"Team Starfish - 2001 Fall Season"
Welcome to Team Starfish's website.
The Team is proud to bring you this website so that they may share their world of youth Soccer with you.
Team Starfish is a Girls U13 House Soccer Team in the city of Royal Oak, Michigan.
This house team is a R.O.Y.S.A. (Royal Oak Youth Soccer Association) team and also plays in a division of M.Y.S.L. (Michigan Youth Soccer League).
Information on the team and their games will be updated on a regular basis so that you can follow the teams progress.
You can find out more information about the team by using the Page Headings to the Left of the screen,
like the ones on the screen that you are on right now.
Interested in seeing some of the girls in action, just Click Team Photos.
Maybe you would like to get some information about a player, just Click Contact The Team.
I think you get the idea.
Additional information about the team or it's exceptional team members can be found on the About The Team page.
Questions are encouraged to be asked by younger girls, or anyone else, that may be interested in youth soccer.
If a particular question may be of interest to the general public, it may be posted on the website, along with the response.
Starfish's - Coach Fraga
Coach Fraga
is the almighty drive behind Team Starfish.
He has the insight to build a fantastic house team.
The girls of Team Starfish have been playing together for many years, and Coach Fraga has been leading them all the way.
This is not a job for the weak or faint of heart.
Look, he has to answer to the parents for the teams performance, a job that not many can withstand.